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  • Writer's pictureMeg

Your Garden Will Grow

Decks used are the Illustrated Crystallary by Maia Toll, The Crystal Mandala Oracle, Daily Crystal Oracle by Heather Askinosie, Crystal Healing by Uma Silbey, Precious Gems by Maxine Gadd, Crystal and Stones Deck by Andrew Smart and the Crystal Power Tarot by Jayne Wallace

In my area of the world, winter is starting to change over to spring and I’m starting to find that the weather is getting warmer and the world is starting to come alive again. While things aren’t fully back in bloom just yet, the flowers are starting to blossom and the air is starting to gradually get warmer. You might be wondering why I mention this. Well, I’m picking up on the energy of the changing seasons and the potential for that energy to be working on us as well. I’d like to get into that thought for this reading. Let get to the cards and see what they have to say on the matter, shall we?

cards pulled from various decks
cards pulled from various decks

ammolite: time changes everything, it’s time to ask what in your life needs spaciousness and time so it can become a jewel.

Angel Aura Quartz: lighten up

Diamond: the priceless gift of time and pressure combined, beauty and strength arising from trials and challenges, the right use of power.

Hematite: Align to your wholeness

Ascended Master Serapis Bey and Clear Calcite: there are many ways to learn and grow and some of these are joyful while others can be more challenging. these challenges can best be resolved through transforming struggle that doesn’t allow you to go back to who you were before the challenge.

Blue Sodalite: combines energy from the earth and third eye awareness for grounded psychic, mental and emotional wisdom, enhances rationality and deep thought, provides an emotional anchor and supports one’s ability to live authentically

Peridot: rejuvenation, self-care, or a new interest recharges your energy, give yourself permission to embrace the positive, excitement for a plan regarding health, or wealth, feeling motivated by the success of others.

Ace of Pentacles: a new opportunity comes in to grow materially and financially, to plant new seeds and watch the garden grow.

Alrighty then friend, one thing I’m seeing here is that you are being called to let go and give yourself the time and space to rest, rejuvenate and let yourself heal from whatever emotional blows you’ve been dealt in the past few weeks. As with post from the past, you’ve been going through a lot of change and the turbulence of this has likely caused you to feel as though you are in lack and discomfort when in reality, perhaps this isn’t the case. The best way to help yourself with lightening up and letting go is to be still and find your intuitive voice again. This voice is telling you that you’re already whole and you’ve always been strong enough to manage the things that come up for you. When you’re ready to let go, you’ll find that yes friend, your garden will grow again soon.

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